Skilled Visits


Platelet-rich plasma

PRP Hair Treatment NYC, Manhattan. Brooklyn, Tristate Area

Are you experiencing hair loss or thinning? PRP hair treatment in Brooklyn, Manhatta, NYC and the Tristate area may be the effective solution you seek to promote hair growth by harnessing your body’s intrinsic ability to regenerate and heal itself.

PRP Hair Treatment NYC

Platelet-rich plasma can be used to help halt and reverse hair loss by prolonging the growth phase of the hair cycle. It can also promote cell growth, repair blood vessels, enhance healing, and stimulate the production of collagen in the scalp.

Blood is withdrawn from your arm, processed to remove the enriched plasma, and then injected into the scalp. PRP treatment in NYC can effectively trigger and maintain natural hair growth by boosting blood supply to the hair follicles. It also increases the thickness of the hair shaft.

Skilled Visits offers PRP hair treatment house calls in the NYC area – enabling you to undergo hair loss and hair thinning treatments in the comfort and privacy of your own home, office, or other location.

To book an appointment with us for PRP treatment near me, contact Skilled Visits today.

What to expect

Researchers found that high concentrations of platelets in plasma cells help promote hair growth by prolonging the growing phase of the hair cycle. We use PRP therapy to treat hair loss in patients by injecting plasma into the scalp where the hair loss has occurred to help repair blood vessels, promote cell growth and wound healing, and stimulate collagen production.

Procedure involves several steps:

PRP Hair Injections

PRP hair injections is a three step method in which the patients blood get drawn, the red blood cells are separated from the platelet Rich plasma in the centrifuge and then it is injected into the scalp.

Platelet Rich Plasma injections stimulate hair growth, improve the thickness and strength of the hair. The steps for hair injections is similar to PRP face injections except we do not numb the area.



Please make sure to thoroughly wash your hair prior to the procedure.


Some redness, pressure at the injection site, headache, and burning sensation are common post-procedure effects.


  • Please avoid washing your hair for the first 72 hours following the procedure.
  • Please refrain from using any hair treatments including hair cuts for the entire course of the treatment up to 3 months.

Book Your PRP Treatment for Hair Restoration